
Quality of Labour Pool & Resourcing

Large projects tend to experience fluctuations in manpower requirements through the various activities undertaken on site. 



Brand have the ability to efficiently mobilise manpower and materials, firstly locally, and if necessary, between countries, to accommodate client resource requirements. Utilising our manpower resources in this manner allows for a consistent, safe, well trained crew that is familiar and comfortable with all the Brand and clients processes, as well as adhering to the applicable project requirements - resulting in better safety, productivity, and communication. 

Due to our established local presence, we have a pool of resources we can utilise to fill positions – from existing, past or newly registered applicants/employees – all with the necessary qualifications and experience specification. 


The planning of our workplaces is optimally geared to on-site needs. We invest in professional automation, so that we can produce high-quality products in the right place at the right time.

Multidiscipline craft teams

Our Hands-on Tool Time (HoTT) concept aims to optimise labour costs through multi-skilling. Many of our operatives are multifunctional - in addition to their expertise in scaffolding and insulating, they are qualified professionals in tracing, rope access and additional site services.

  • Reduced O/H, staffing & plan/schedule synergies 
  • Improved emergency response, project staffing, on-boarding
  • Minimise risk of delays - advantage to other activities/trades on site
  • Leverage skilled personnel & improve productivity through reduced waste hours of costly technicians

Let's do something great on your next project.

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