BRAND® have launched a series of hard hitting safety films that challenges each and every one of us to examine the effects that bad decisions and shortcuts can have on our own and others' safety.
Putting your safety first
The films are available to purchase through our chosen retailer, CIP BOOKS by using the following links. If you require a different language or have a question about the films, please contact us.
The cost of accidents
The first film in the series "The cost of accidents", was originally produced as an internal Brand safety aid, but has proven such a success that customers have requested hundreds of their own copies, with a percentage of the proceeds received being donated to charity. To add to the number of accolades the film has received from the industry itself, this first film also won a prestigious gold award from the 2007 New York Film festival.
In the real world
"In the real world" is an everyday phrase that can have many different meanings. In this second film decisions are made that can affect safety and these decisions are influenced by real or imagined pressures of the job. In this case the phrase "in the real world" becomes an excuse for short-cuts, which is shown to have a devastating impact on safety and the impact of corporate manslaughter.
*Special Offer*
Buy both The Cost of Accidents and In the real world English DVD's to save £20!
Important Notes.